"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Gandhi

Friday, 29 July 2011

Letting My Values Guide Me

What do you value?  It’s not something we really think about, or sit down and discuss or evaluate.   And it was never something I even thought to consider.  Until I was faced with a crisis.  When my world fell apart almost two years ago, I felt very lost.  Every dream, every hope, every image, every child I wanted to have was suddenly no longer an option.  I found my saving-grace in a workshop for women going through the same crisis.  There I learned the value of Values.
I learned that there were certain values that I had not only allowed others to betray...but I myself had betrayed them.  This was an eye-opener, a game-changer.   How can I claim to value Honesty, if I don’t acknowledge when someone lies to me?  How can I claim to value Communication, if I don’t tell others how I am feeling?  I realized that if I value something, I need to stand by it, I need to live by it.  My actions need to correspond with my values.
I learned that I need to base my decisions on what I value, and what I want out of life.  It has not been easy, because making the right decision can often be painful.  Making the decision to leave my ex husband was the hardest thing I had ever done.  I knew it had to be done, because staying would have meant sacrificing myself and my values.  It wasn’t until I was faced with this situation that I realized how much I needed my values, and how much they were the core of who I was.  I had to sit down and be honest with myself...and admit what it would mean if I stayed in the marriage.  It would have meant I was sacrificing everything I believed in.  If I valued: Self respect, honesty, trust, fidelity, communication, family, safety...I had to leave.  And while it was a most painful experience, I have never once looked back and regretted my decision.  I believe that surety comes from my new-found-faith in myself, my values, and my ability to make decisions that are right for me. 
I want to use this blog to shed light on issues and conflicts, that are important to me.  I have learned that I have a voice, and I value that voice, and I choose to use it.

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