"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Gandhi

Thursday, 4 August 2011

What Gives Us The "Right"?

DISCLAIMER - may contain upsetting information.

I am currently embroiled in a debate on Facebook about NAMBLA’s right to exist.  Now, most people have never heard of NAMBLA... North American Man Boy Love Association.  That’s right.  A full-on organized group of pedophile males who advocate, condone and encourage the sexual abuse and rape of children.

Everything they post, publish and print is worded just this side of the legal border.  They post no photos or anything else that is specified in the criminal code...however, years ago they had quoted on their website that “a grown man’s erect penis can comfortably fit into a four year old child’s anus”.  This is what this group stands for, believes in and attempts to justify.

Now, the other side is saying that this group has the “right” to free speech and the “right” to freedom of assembly.  They say that under the Bill of Rights, this group should be protected. 

I believe that our “rights” are our “rights” unless we abuse them.   Does this group have the “right” to advocate for this horrific crime?  No.  In what Universe should a group of organized pedophiles be allowed to spread the gospel of rape?!  The world is not what it was when the Bill of Rights was created, and groups like NAMBLA hide behind these “rights”. 

Years ago a friend and I were discussing NAMBLA.  She was very active in gay rights and in the gay community.  She said part of the problem with NAMBLA is that they are targeting young gay boys who are still unsure or confused.  They claim to offer support and guidance, but that child is used until he passes the pedophile’s “age-of-arousal”.  And this is why pedophilia cannot be classified as a sexual orientation.  Heterosexual or homosexual, people’s attraction to others usually ages, as they age.  For example...go through your old high-school year books.  Find the photos of those boys or girls, you once thought were oh-so-gorgeous, and ask yourself what you think of them now.  I myself, was stunned at how young they all looked!  To me now...they look like babies, because, I aged and my age-of-arousal is no longer 14 year old boys.  But, for pedophiles...it’s only the age they are attracted to.  They could claim to love a boy, but guaranteed...once that boy hits puberty, that “love” is gone. 

 If it comes down to a Battle of Rights...I will always, and forever, believe a child’s right not to be abused, outweighs a pedophiles right to free speech.

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